How confident is in the quality of our exam preparation products? So confident, in fact, that we offer an exceptional 90-days Pass-the-First-Time Guarantee on our Cert practice tests.
If you buy a Cert practice test and fail the corresponding exam within 90 days of activation, you can request a full refund, no questions asked! Team provides highly classified, authentic preparation materials for all exams to customers because:
We are so confident of our products and services, is willing to offer a full refund if you fail the exam on the first try. Without a question, we guarantee that our training system is all that you will need in order to pass any certification exam that we offer materials for.
In the unlikely event that you fail an exam after using test preparation materials, simply submit a refund ticket in member center, our refund team will verify your information and then send the refund. Typically, we will arrange a full refund within 7 days of receiving your email and processing the request.
Aside from requesting a refund, you may also opt to request materials for another exam for the sake of replacement. As long as the new exam materials do not cost more than the original ones, we will be happy to exchange products for you.
Note: The money-back-guarantee is not applicable on following cases:
For the above cases and the ones do not appear but involved with the guarantee policy, reserves All Rights of the final explanation.